Is it summer yet!!???
What a Week! It has just been nuts around here lately. It seems like I don't have a second a free time anymore. Between my 10,000 art projects, track, and well track I have no life. Track is almost done, Yay! Don't get my wrong I love track and everything that comes with it, even though I no longer have weekends but my body just can't take it anymore. It makes me laugh looking back at high school, I used to think that track and cross were so tough but they are nothing compared to what I do now. Which I think is sort of cool. It's amazing what you can do when you put your mind to it. I have no real reason for writing this besides the fact that for once I don't have a projec to be working on. ( well actually I do but its not due tomorrow so I get to take a break!) I hope everyone elses end of the semester is going well! Yay for summer only being a few weeks away!!
I ned your help!
Ok. I need all of your help, For my drawing class I need to do my self portrait but it has to be symbolic so I was wondering if you guys could think of words or objects that you think describe who I am. Also, no one really knows I have this so if you could spread the word that would be great. Thanks so much! HAVE A FANTASTIC FRIDAY :)!!
Dont change for someone else!
I was watching this movie today about a guy who changes who he is to become popular and get a girl to like him... ya know, the typicall movie and it sort of made me mad. I just think it is so stupid that people allow other people's oppinions to affect them so much. I understand trying to break bad habits like smokin, bitting your nails, talking about people behind their backs, etc. However, changing everything about yourself to please someone else is just stupid! God made us who we are for a reason, so trying to change yourself is like a slap in the face to God. Plus, why would you want to be around someone who doesnt like who you are? I for one would want someone to like me for who I truly am, not the version of me I created to make them happy. So, really I am just rambling at this point but thats ok.
So,i've always been a little slow
Well, since everyone and their brother has one of these things Eric and I decided I needed one too, plus it will help me put off everything I always need to do. So here it is. Last night Ashley and I were talking and we realized that finally I have become a normal person and come out from out of my "rock". Basicly I just realized that the world is not perfect and that everyone in it is nice and willing to do things for the greater good of the world. I know, I am almost 19 years old and should have figured this out by now but hey, i'm a little slow! Well thats it i guess, spread the word about this not so great blog of mine. :)!