Life is too short to let the little things get ya down!

Friday, October 14, 2005

Surgery= bored

Since my surgery a week ago I have realized a lot of things. 1. I have the most amazing group of friends ever! I couldn't have asked for better friends. Being away from home I basically had to attempt to do everything for myself which is tough on crutches and lots of drugs but I was prepared to do it. Instead, Abbey, Bridgette, Emily, Will, Hans, and Micah took over and did much, much more than I could ever expect them to. They made me food, hung out with me, let me complain, helped me change my bandages, put my shoes and socks on, washed my hair, and all the other things that go along with having surgery. On top of all that, the girls decorated my very baren room and bought me this little kids tea party set and all 7 of us had a tea party in my room. I just love them all!
2. I think that people think that you are deaf when you are on crutches. Everywhere I go people stare and talk about me. They could be walking 2 feet behind me and will have an entire converstation about what they think is wrong with me or how bad it would suck to be hurt. It is very annoying!!
3. The scariest thing ever happend to me!! ok, not really but I got ambushed by people trying to spread the good news of Jesus. The surrounded me and started praying over me with out even asking. I was horrified! I just think that is the worst possible way you can try to spread the word. I am proud of my faith and do my best to live the way I should but I was truly scared of these people forcing their belifes on me. I can not imagine how anyone that did not believe would be encouraged by having it forced at them. Scary!!
4. On a lighter note. Vicadin makes me soooo tired! I dont know if it is just me or a normal side effect but if someone is not talking to me or I am not doing something somewhat stimulating I fall asleep in 10 min!! Not good when you have 3 hour classes!!!

Saturday, October 08, 2005


So, i'm sure everyone is sick of the "Knee posts" but too dang bad!! I had my surgery yesterday. They took out my plica (rhymes with Micah) band. Apparently I dont need it. All I know is it hurts! It didnt yesterday cause I was on so many drugs but it does today!! I guess I told my mom when I woke up that I really didnt have surgery that I really just did drugs with the doctor and then later I told the nurse that I had 5 boyfriends that i circulated. haha. ok well thats all. nap time!

Monday, October 03, 2005

I HATE KNEES!!!!!!!!

Well.. I told a few of you that I dont need surgery. I lied. Well not really, there was some serious miscomunnications between the doc and the trainer. But basically, I need surgery. I will most likely be having it in the next two weeks. I am hoping for really soon cause it hurts really bad and the sooner I have it the sooner I can get better and start running... Too bad i'm obsessed with running...